A speculative platform dedicated to issues of art and urbanism, international energy transition, and geo-cultural flux.
Social Logistics is an international initiative of artists, urbanists, and scientists that originated out of two international networks: Port Journeys and Hyper Cultural Passengers. The platform looks at materials, environmental histories, and infrastructure across the globe in relation to energy transition, climate, and labor internationally. Our hope is that the platform will inspire thinking about public access and redress along common experiences and creative forms of research. We are interested in port-city-hinterland geographies that connect circulation studies and struggles to planetary urban critique.

Pre-selected artists, urbanists, and scientists are asked for a contribution for an ongoing and expanding collection of relevant works and projects.
Open Institute
The collection is a database of memory and ontology, which can be imagined as a means to capture fleeting frames of mind during a geological epoch defined by the pre-trembling of its collapse. Gathered works feed the imagination and disclose how these phenomena could, will, or should function in the future. The collection is presented as an international ‘Open Institute’ of knowledge, insights, and inspiration.
PFSL #01
On Earth Day, April 22, 2022 the first edition took online place because of the COVID restrictions. Worldwide, 14 artists made short video’s in their personal surroundings. The video’s formed the start discussion on global environmental topics from the point of view of the artist as researcher.
Research artist and scholar Jan Derk Diekema (NL), UGA faculty: Stephen Ramos, James Enos, Jorrit Albers (NL) and UGA MFA candidate Annie Simpson (USA).